Aug 9Liked by Noel Clarke

Actually brought tears to my eyes reading this. Vast majority of people in this world are ar*eholes, so when you find some that aren’t, cling onto them, wherever you find them ❤️

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Aug 7Liked by Noel Clarke

It takes strength and courage to face your fears, you entered that environment adamant that you would be judged by the untruths told by the tabloids, the thing is brother, true people can see beyond the lies, true people judge what they see for themselves. What we see is a caring soul, although fragile at times, strong enough to face adversity and do good, do good for those less fortunate than you, for those that need help

For that, I applaud you, I respect you.

Take care of yourself, what goes around comes around, you are already shining bright, and others can see this……

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I’ve never had much of a reputation, so I wouldn’t lose much if I supported someone everybody loves to hate. Believe me, it’s freeing.

What a FAN-TAS-TIC story, Noel! Thanks for telling it. These are such worthwhile and healing steps in the journey.

I’ve always been friends with lots of women, but have also known how mean women can be. Men too. We learn to ignore the people we better not let near us and cherish those who truly care.


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Aug 6Liked by Noel Clarke

This is the real Noel Clarke, caring and empathetic to others. You have always tried to raise those beside you on your way up. You love family and real friends fiercely, and are always there to listen. Keep keeping it real! You will prevail! Your newly earned wisdom and humbleness will guide you.

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Aug 6Liked by Noel Clarke

Love this Noel. Shows growth and humility, which you've had to have in spades because of what's been done to you. It's BS that you've gone through it and continue to go through it. Stay strong. Those who know, know

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Aug 6Liked by Noel Clarke

Fantastic piece. I salute you!

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Aug 6Liked by Noel Clarke

I admire you. You have been knocked down and you have got back up. I wish I could do the same. I love your work and love reading how you’re getting your life back on track. I hope you reach all your goals!

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Aug 6Liked by Noel Clarke

Proud of ya for being brave..👏💙 that was a great read and so well written Noel..

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I feel for you Noel- I honestly don’t know how you’ve kept going (I don’t know you personally) but I’m proud of you. Keep putting pen to paper 👏🏽🙏🏽 let the haters hate - I’m sure it takes more energy to hate someone rather than the other way round. As Heidi said the world is full of assh*l*s and trust me I’ve met many on a daily basis 🙄🤣

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