Aug 20Liked by Noel Clarke

I love and hate reading your stuff, love that you're still around and posting and sharing things, hate how much they ruined your career and robbed us of even more great stories 😔

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How I feel about writing it.

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Aug 20Liked by Noel Clarke

I can't put into words the frustration I feel on your behalf when I read your posts Noel. I feel alot of anger. Why you? Besides the obvious?

It's beyond crazy what they've done to you and are continuing to do to you in refusing your right to reply.

I wait for the time when you can speak your truth freely.

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Aug 20Liked by Noel Clarke

I am here after seeing your interview with James English. I’m glad you are still here and keeping on, and that you have good family support. Standing up for what is right is the hardest thing to do and can be a very lonely path, I wish you well.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Noel Clarke

Hello Mr Clarke. As a 16-year-old budding screenwriter, let me just say thank you for giving young black storytellers the assurance that we can make it if we put our minds to it. Right now, I'm currently writing my own coming-of-age teen comedy drama series about four black teenage friends in lower middle-class Britain on the veins of Top Boy and The Inbetweeners and Kidulthood and Adulthood have been strong influences for me.

I know that this isn't about Storage 24, but I have some questions for you:

1) What kind of scripts are you writing now?

2) Have you ever written other teen dramas like Kidulthood, Adulthood and West 10 LDN?

3) In the past have you written films about black characters (e.g. sci-fi, politicians, musicians, footballers, secret agents, etc).

4) You mentioned in an interview that you wrote three scripts before Kidulthood: Remembering Jessie and Society. What were they about?

5) In the near future, can you release PDFs of some of your scripts like Kidulthood and Adulthood (released and unreleased)

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1 - Now writing, the best things I've ever written. Forged in hell, but smarter than anything before.

2 - Not in cancellation but I created the show Borders from scratch which has now been stolen from me, with season 1 played and season 2 already commissioned. I also created the show Crongton which will be coming soon. From Alex Wheatles books.

3 - Yes I have written, superhero scripts, secret agent things. I have done for years but gatekeepers would choose what got made. I was trying to do sci-fi like storage24 for black leads over a decade ago.

4 - Hmmm I don't remember all the names. Society I think was about Models living in NYC after I read a book called Kissing in Manhattan. Remembering Jessie was about a guy who died and through the memories and stories of his friends and girlfriend we figure out why. Can't remember what the 3rd one was. Did I name it? Maybe the Needle man?

5 - Maybe. but I'd only do it here and only behind the paywall.

Thanks for the questions. I won't do this all the time but thought I'd answer since you asked.

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Aug 24Liked by Noel Clarke

Thanks for answering them, Noel. I know that you said you wouldn't do this all the time but with Boarders, did you write scripts for it? How did Daniel Lawrence Taylor get involved - was he hired by you or did you two come with the idea together?

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Author

No. I created the show from scratch. basically plotted it and had a one or two pager written. I pitched it and got it commissioned for development at BBC then I HIRED him, as I was going to be working on and writing Bulletproof and working on (not writing) Viewpoint Season 2. I hired him to write off my story that he of course was adding his flavour too. But I came up with it, and have emails, texts and all sorts of documents to prove that. I'm dealing with things at present but at some point they will be hearing from me

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Aug 24Liked by Noel Clarke

I hope they do. You have done so much for many young black storytellers - as great as they are, it's fair to say that people like Rapman or Candice Carty-Williams would be able to make their films and shows if you hadn't kicked down the door. I think you should do a Substrack on Boarders, if you're allowed.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Author

Fact. The problem is with some people is they don't want acknowledge those before them as it's not "the done thing" Or in my case they are scared to do so because either they don't like me personally or their friends don't.

.Borders substack is written. It's in my drafts. I've been told not to post it... Yet... But I will at some point.

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Will answer this properly tomorrow.

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Thanks Noel. Really appreciate it, man.

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Love those posters Noel. Love them. Another film I'll have to check out. Stay safe. Jules

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Aug 21Liked by Noel Clarke

It was a wonderful movie , with a big surprise at the end . Terrific! Loved it ! ❤️

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Aug 24Liked by Noel Clarke

I loved Storage 24 and so do my kids as grown adults now. I don't believe you ever put a foot wrong with your movies. I cant comment on the rom-com as its not my thing so didn't see it. Everything else has been spot-on for me.

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Aug 21Liked by Noel Clarke

I see everything I can that you create , you are magnificent ❤️

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Aug 25Liked by Noel Clarke

Very snarky I agree. I like some of the Guardian stuff but they did you dirty, no doubt. There is a puritanism in left/liberal media that is very constrictive and joyless.

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