I've enjoyed all of your writing on here, but this is one of my favourite pieces so far. What a poignant moment the "ssh" moment was. Sometimes, we do things in the moment that come from within -- and not from our conscious mind. The "popping the collar" moment from the BAFTAs also comes to mind. (I'm glad you didn't apologise for that, by the way 👏). Wishing you many, many happy years ahead.

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Interesting. Why was this your fave.

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Definitely one of my favourites. The pictures. You mentioned "hope". And you're expressing your truth. If you haven't already, I wonder if you can write the above, for yourself, with the actual names included -- and then you can hide or destroy it afterwards if you like.

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Sep 25Liked by Noel Clarke

Two massive takeaways from that stack that you should be aware of… even though you wrote it!

“I don’t fear what people will say about me anymore”

Probably the most powerful and liberating place a human being could ever be is where you are right now!

It’s a place that many people think they’re already at, but unfortunately you can’t get there without enduring and overcoming ridicule and shame. ( speaking from 10 years experience as a professional alcoholic )

Hold onto that, it won’t let you down!


“It takes a click of a button and 1 second to change your life.”

Always believe that this is going to happen. It’s happened to you once, but it can easily happen again the other way around.

It takes one article, one phone call, one opportunity and the door will be open to you again.

Don’t waste your time and energy on things like revealing the names in this article… they’ll get theirs in due course without you forcing it.

Focus on getting back what is rightfully yours!


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Sep 25Liked by Noel Clarke

Well said. I can't wait to hear there real names. They don't deserve your protection. 💯

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Sep 25Liked by Noel Clarke

It doesn't surprise me anymore when people let me down. I look back on younger years and how we all thought we'd be friends for life, but they all just drop off.

Certainly not in the way it's happened to you and certainly not as overtly/abruptly.

I think the biggest thing you should take from all of this (and that) is that you have nothing to hide and you know the truth. That's why they're all running - cos they know they've done sh*t themselves that they should be ashamed of. Unfortunately, very few are willing to have your back when the chips are down - yet it's at those times that you find out who's real

I can tell you this for free - I'll always be your supporter and your friend (even though we don't actually know each other)

I hope with all my heart that you get your time to speak your truth and I look forward to it.

Just keep doing what you always do. Stay strong, stay humble and stay true to you. Nothing else really matters anyway.

Much love to you Noel

Also....you don't look like you're almost 50!

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Great piece Noel, long time admirer. So many people uncomfortable with the truth these days, not a world I like.

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