Absolutely powerfully put. I feel this pain. Brilliant from Noel.

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Thank you Dan.

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Love this post. Fear sadness fight and flight. All true . Wishing you amazing friendships in the future 🤞

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Mar 25Liked by Noel Clarke

I’ve tried to reach out a few times to you over the last three years and I think about you a lot, Noel. Dad died soon after your world imploded and my life was also a shit show but I am really sorry I couldn’t be a friend when you needed one xx Email me for a chat any time xx Lucy Lucy.Patterson82 @ gmail . Com

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Mar 19Liked by Noel Clarke

When the chips are down and the shit hits the fan, you can guarantee people will disappear and be nowhere to be seen, whether it’s just because they are shallow and self centred it’s hard to tell, personally I only have a handful of true friends, I do however, have a lot of acquaintances, it’s knowing the difference that counts, sadly some people that you classed as friends were not there for you during your time of need and it’s even more sad knowing that if it was reversed you would probably have been there for them, that’s the difference between someone with honour, dignity, empathy and loyalty. Your family stood by your side and they are what truly matters. As I regularly say, stay strong, stay focused on what matters, you have a much bigger support network than you can imagine, and I for one, wish you the best…..

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Mar 25Liked by Noel Clarke

Love this, I resonate I have no friends no family except my teenage son.. it’s get lonely sometimes honestly good friends are worth more than gold because you can actually have a conversation with them and be there for each others no matter what, you can’t talk too gold.

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Mar 24Liked by Noel Clarke

Wow noel, what you said was empowering, your pain & anger are is still raw,the same happened to me,I was crying because you walk me through that pain.it happened 12 year's ago& you do get too know who your real friends. NOEL things do get better, time is a great healer.One love ❤️

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Mar 19Liked by Noel Clarke

Powerful piece Noel. I have been screwed over by alot of people - not to the extent you have I don't think, definitely not so publicly - but it made me realise that a friendship is only as long as my usefulness to that person. I have two friends: my husband and my dog. Everyone else comes and goes and I'm polite and I won't be unkind, but I'll be guarded. It's a shame to live my life this way, but it's about self preservation and not allowing myself to be naive enough to open up anymore. It's just not worth the hassle or the BS that comes with it.

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Apr 10Liked by Noel Clarke

Unfortunately we expect others to behave in the same way as us, which inevitably leads to disappointment. I choose to keep seeing the best in people until they show me otherwise. Don't let them change your good heart x

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Mar 25Liked by Noel Clarke

Sadly too many people out there like Rece, I've learnt to weed out the blood suckers and life is a lot less dramatic. Xx

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Great read. It’s a hard, humbling lesson when people we would stand in front of to protect, turn and run when we need the same back. My biggest mistake is that I expect people to behave in the same manner I would. We’re all built differently so are we wrong to be angry and hurt at others lack of gumption? I’m asking the question of myself all the time as I analyse and revisit past hurts and misdemeanours. Nothing but love and light for you Noel. Stay authentically yourself and I hope Rece can break bread with you and own his part. Regardless, don’t forget that says more about them than it does you.

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Mar 25Liked by Noel Clarke

This is a lesson learnt a lot through life but in the early years our youthful hearing aid is on mute, so the universe has to repeat it time after time until we learn to listen, watch and take in our surroundings, the same came be said for the physical, those aches and pains, stomach cramps from anxiety that we confuse with a kebab. We become self aware to far down the line, this type of story should be in every parents handbook, forget sex education - life lessons should be taught.

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Mar 24Liked by Noel Clarke

Stay strong & just do you 🙏

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Mar 24Liked by Noel Clarke

Excellent piece which again continues to resonate. Your advice and guidance has helped so many people no doubt… thank you

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Mar 24Liked by Noel Clarke

Very deep and mindful post 🙏 I loved you as an Actor but believed some of the Bad stuff written. That's my ignorance coming out as the chance is I will never get to met you in person to understand the real you. The more I see and read your Socials the more I think I'm beginning see the real you. My best wishes goes out to you & your family and hope one day you can get back to making great TV 👊

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Mar 24Liked by Noel Clarke

You deserved so much better. I’m so sorry people who were supposed to hold you up, dropped you.

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Mar 19Liked by Noel Clarke

Your eyes are wide open 👏 .. I think when a person suffers a traumatic event ..they become aware ...clarity ..yes is the right word .. you discover that the world you thought you lived in was the real world .. but it wasn't... I think you will settle and go far in your new world Noel.. 🌎

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